Program Technician Classification Study Update


The Unit 4 Program Technician Committee reconvened after an unforeseen delay due to administrative changes at the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR). 

The committee met with CalHR on August 7, 2014 and was introduced to the new CalHR team who demonstrated a willingness to engage in a renewed conversation about this important issue. In the meeting, we discussed concerns and issues that have plagued the Program Technicians statewide. The dialogue was promising and the direction now is to identify issues of daily job duties and research whether or not it matches the Class Specs. The Committee will then research the study and begin to create focus groups to validate the information. The next anticipated date to meet with CalHR will be in October.

In March, the Committee performed a comprehensive survey to drive an effort to review job specifications that haven’t been updated since 1997. The goal of the committee is to update those specifications to more accurately reflect the important work our members perform.

The survey results showed that evolving technologies, workloads and upward mobility were a priority to more than 1000 program technicians who responded to the survey.