Members rally to help crime victim
Donations of time and cash aid Shannon Pree's long recovery


When Shannon Pree was the victim of a horrific violent crime last November, her manager at the California Science Center in Los Angeles knew who to call for help: Local 1000.

Pree’s brothers and sisters at Local 1000 heeded the call, donating cash and hundreds of hours of catastrophic leave as this single mother of three daughters recovers from multiple surgeries.

On March 2, Bargaining Unit 4 leaders surprised Pree at work, presenting her with the donations and reminding her that everyone at Local 1000 has her in their hearts as she undertakes her long recovery.

“Shannon’s story shows that our union cares about our member’s lives outside the worksite and that we will support you in all aspects of life,” said Bargaining Unit 4 Chair Sophia Perkins. “It shows that management and the union can really work together when a union member is facing a difficult struggle.”