March 18, 2022


Organizing to Empower our Union

Anica Walls, SEIU Local 1000 Vice President for Organizing/Representation, has led our new steward trainings for several months. These trainings opened the doors for a massive increase in the number of trained stewards who can help provide needed structure and serve as resources to their departments and coworkers. However, we have learned that we can’t afford to rest on our laurels or slow down our organ zing efforts, and we haven’t stopped there.


Moving Forward with New Leadership: It’s a new day for SEIU Local 1000

Since the three vice presidents suspended president RL Brown, your member-elected Board of Directors acted to reform the governance of SEIU Local 1000. Now, your leadership team is back to work building unity and strength.

Over the last two weeks, during two separate Facebook Live forum/Zoom calls hundreds of Local 1000 members told us that it’s time to move forward and get back to business.

We heard you, and we agree. 


Women’s Empowerment Committee: Tearing Down Challenges and Barriers

SEIU Local 1000’s members change California every day they step into work. The mission of Local 1000’s Women’s Empowerment Committee is to bring that change out of the workplace and into the lives of the women who make our state run. Our goal is to tear down the challenges and barriers that many women working for the state face.


Celebrating Women’s History Month

Each year in March, we pause to celebrate the contributions women have made to the United States and recognize the remarkable achievements women have made over the course of American history in a variety of fields.