District Labor Council Leaders Creating a Stronger Future
Member Activists Gather to Create New Pathways To Build Membership and Power


Member leaders from across the state—elected officers from each of our 50 District Labor Councils (DLCs), 9 Bargaining Unit Chairs and our statewide officers—came together Aug. 24-26 to create a stronger future for working families. 

Local 1000, and the 96,000 workers we represent, is comprised of 50 “districts” that elect local officers (president, vice president, secretary/treasurer and chief steward) who engage with members of their DLC to build union power. 

Each DLC president sits on the Local 1000 Board of Directors, which helps set policy and the direction of our union. 

During the meeting, the elected officers were trained on Board of Director governance responsibilities. They also received comprehensive training for DLC governance, such as member engagement and communications, as well as financial compliance for our union’s resources and the direct responsibility of the DLC accounting practices. 

“This is a democratic, member led union, and we’re working to make Local 1000 stronger. These activists are at the core of our mission to create a better experience for our members, develop new leaders and to build a better California,” said President Yvonne R. Walker.