Disabled member receives assembly recognition


Ed Diprosper helps unemployed Californians for EDD. A Local 1000 member was honored  for his work as a part of National Disability Employment Awareness Month – a national campaign that raises awareness and celebrates the many contributions of America’s disabled workforce.

Ed Diprosper, a 15-year veteran of state service is a Unit 1 member who helps to connect unemployed Californians with their much-needed benefits through his work at EDD, was praised for his efforts as part of a presentation at the Capitol by Assemblymember Dr. Richard Pan.

“I am pleased to present to you this resolution recognizing National Disability Employment Awareness Month,” Pan said. “I want to thank you so much for your service to the people of California.”
“I believe I will not know of the true significance of today until I one day look back on my entire life,” said Diprosper, when asked about the ceremony.