Unit 1/Unit 4 Joint Bargaining Update for Wednesday, August 21st, 2019
Units 1 and 4 Reach Important Agreement on Lottery Bonus Procedures


Meeting in a special joint “side table” with the state, Units 1 and 4 fought for and won a major advance for Lottery employees on Wednesday, August 21. The advance stands to update and improve the bonus structure for its field sales representatives in Unit 1 and the lottery ticket sales specialist series in Unit 4.

These are the workers on the front lines who drive Lottery revenues that contribute more than $1 billion annually to the state’s public schools and help create a California for All.

“This win is the result of more than a decade of effort to update a decades-old bonus system,” said Brenda Modkins, a member of the Unit 1 team, who brought the agreement to fruition along with the members of the Unit 4 team. “We’re creating an opportunity to make performance bonuses fair and equitable.”

The tentative agreement creates a Joint Labor Management Committee (JLMC), which will develop recommendations to improve the bonus system and bring them to the agency director by December 31, 2020.

The current, but outdated, structure doesn’t recognize variations in the economic and demographic makeup of sales districts. Often, Lottery sales employees in both bargaining units are less likely to achieve their bonus because of where they work, not how well they perform their job.

The JLMC will closely examine six issues as they work to create a more responsive bonus structure:

  • Timing of bonuses
  • Qualification to receive bonuses
  • Methodology to set bonus goals
  • Methodology of bonus payments
  • Timely payment of bonuses
  • Grievability of bonuses

Unit 1 and 4 members at the Lottery will play an important role in making this JLMC a success and creating a more consistent bonus opportunity for the sales forces.