Update: State Fund JLMC


On March 29, 2021, our Union met with the State Compensation Insurance Fund (State Fund) management team. The JLMC resumed meeting to discuss the recent member-only work-life balance survey many of you participated in.

The survey results were generally positive, but members did respond with concerns about feeling overwhelmed at times and the challenges of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Some of the major details from the JLMC discussion include:

  • Our Union team lifted up concerns around the lack of coverage and backfilling positions once employees, retire, resign, or are promoted.
  • Vern Steiner expressed some concerns that the future of the industry is looking more competitive and challenging for State Fund.
  • Our Union team shared instances of negative messaging coming from managers to rank-and- file employees.
  • State Fund management explained that general negative messaging out to large groups of employees should not be happening, but State Fund leadership does not have a problem with management expressing certain messaging with employees on a one-on-one basis.

If you have any questions or comments for the JLMC team, please be sure to reach out to your bargaining unit email address at either unit1@seiu1000.org or unit4@seiu1000.org or unit15@seiu1000.org