


This page contains a number of useful tools you’ll want to access as a state worker and as a member of Local 1000.

Whether you’re looking for answers from our trained representatives at the Member Resource Center, a pay day calendar, or information about Local 1000 governance, it’s here, click “Resource Center” in the left-hand column of this page.

Our member-led union thrives because of a strong and growing membership. If you’d like to learn more about union membership and the benefits of membership, click the “Why Membership Matters” link on the left.

Our members receive additional benefits, discounts and savings worth hundreds of dollars on entertainment, theme park admissions, services and insurance. Learn more by clicking “CSEA Benefits.”

Your union job offers a significant advantage over non-union employment—in wages, benefits and retirement. Take a minute to learn what those advantages are for you by clicking the “Real Difference Calculator” link.