SEIU Local 1000 met with CalHR on July 22, 2024, and again on September 17, 2024, regarding implementing “New” Appendix S – 12.1 Business and Travel Expenses.

As negotiated last year, the Business and Travel Expenses section (12.1) will be updated to mirror the federal rates.

When we negotiated this section last summer, we did not have a firm implementation date, but now we have confirmed with CalHR that “Appendix S – 12.1 Business and Travel Expenses [New]”, and the federal reimbursement rates contained in it, will be effective as of 10/1/2024.

Any business travel taking place on or after October 1, 2024, will be eligible for the federal lodging standard and non-standard rates, as well as the standard rates for meals and incidentals ($68). This includes travel that began prior to October 1 – as employees will be eligible for new rates on all remaining travel on those trips after October 1.

Finally, employees should be aware that the Federal program uses 75% “flat calculations” for the first and last day of travel. This means that instead of adding the specific eligible meals based on the specific start and end times of the trip, employees will be eligible for 75% of the full per diem on the first and last day of travel ($51). You may still not claim meals that are provided as part of conference participation, etc.

As this program transitions, we expect there to be unexpected obstacles and growing pains. Please work with your department’s travel accounting staff or call the Member Resource Center (MRC) at 866.471.SEIU (7348) if you have any questions or issues with your travel advances and reimbursement claims.