To further engage our members, we are revamping our monthly stewards-only call for BU 3. Instead, we would like to open up our monthly call to all represented employees of BU 3 – not just the job stewards. In addition, with this change, the monthly calls will now take place on the SECOND Wednesday of each month, rather than the last. This shift in access will also result in a shift in format as well. We will now be using our monthly call to discuss targeted contractual related issues facing our BU up and down the state. This change will also allow us more of an opportunity to effectively engage with our employees in a meaningful way. The “Contract Education” sessions, as we are calling them, will come in the form of a short review of targeted MOU sections that directly affect BU 3 in the workplace along with examples of what a violation of said section could look like. This will range from sick leave issues to heat/cold/temperature related issues, and everything in between. Our goal with this change is to provide more education to the members of our bargaining unit so that we can continue to empower all in their workplaces with the knowledge necessary to protect their rights. This meeting will be guided by our organizing team as always, and we will have time during these meetings to field questions regarding the MOU sections we happen to discuss.
We hope that this will be a welcome, fruitful change to our normal monthly calls, and we look forward to engaging with as many bargaining unit employees as possible during these calls. At the conclusion of our calls, we will continue to provide the BU 3 organizing team email ([email protected]) where any BU 3 represented employee can reach out to us regarding any issues they may be having at their worksite. If an employee has a specific question that applies to them directly, we would ask that any personally identifying information be shared with the team outside of the meeting for privacy purposes.
The meeting will be referenced during our continued First Wednesday BU 3 Informational Sessions. Information on how to access the new meeting is below. Reminders will be sent out the week of the meeting.
You can access the meeting here. The next Contract Education session will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, beginning at 5:30 p.m.
We again thank you for your continued efforts as a bargaining unit; efforts that are clearly bearing fruit as together BU 3 membership statewide is just over 80%! This not only provides a solid foundation for SEIU Local 1000 to continue to support our employees, but also sets the standard for bargaining that our unit of Professional Teachers and Librarians are committed to ensuring fair treatment, a positive workplace environment, and commensurate pay with the work we do each and every day
In Solidarity,
Your BU 3 Organizing Team
Wendy Gallimore
Kristiana Duart
Kelly Godwin
Matthew Colvin
Hope Alombro
Daniel Puett
Alex Hamilton
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