Member Leaders Building Union Strength


More than 200 leaders of our Statewide Bargaining Advisory Council (SBAC) came together in Los Angeles Feb. 9-11 for training on how to spot and respond to anti-union tactics being used to divide us and diminish our collective.

Members shared their personal leadership motivations and values and acquired new tools to bring back to their worksites to build strength against anti-union groups like the so-called Freedom Foundation.

We’re joining thousands of working people across the nation to rise up against the forces behind the Supreme Court case Janus v. AFSCME, which is funded by the corporations and anti-worker groups who seek to destroy unions.

“Our voices are so numerous and so deafening that we demonstrate to everyone that there is no court case that will eliminate us; no law that will gag us,” said Yvonne R. Walker, Local 1000 President. “They will see that when we follow our values and stand together, we will make our communities, our state and our country into that which we deserve.”

Anthony Prince, a labor leader with more than 40 years of organizing experience, lived the attack on public employee unions in Wisconsin. He shared his story and af rmed the importance of building relationships and power in the worksite.

“Nothing happens overnight and success doesn’t happen by accident. It’s deliberate. You have to know you’re leading for a bigger purpose. And only you can truly identify what the bigger purpose is to you.” — Margarita Maldonado, Vice President for Bargaining.