Contact Tracing Update
September 8, 2020


On Tuesday, September 8, 2020, our Contact Tracing team met again with the State and received their counter proposal. Although we still have some outstanding items, our conversations have been productive, and we are progressing towards an agreement that we can be proud of – an agreement that not only demonstrates the critical need for contact tracing to our communities but also reflects the value our members bring in stepping up to meet that challenge.

So far, the State has agreed to performance appraisals, no loss of seniority, no outsourcing as a result of departments assigning employees to contact tracing, and no loss of compensation such as bonuses or differentials for employees selected. However, we still have more work to do regarding out-of-class compensation, use of state equipment, ergonomic evaluations, and return options.

We will be scheduling another meeting with the State soon.