Enforcing our hard-earned contract language


When a supervisor showed repeated, oppressive actions against our stewards and members at a Bay Area prison, Local 1000 stewards stepped in to meet with prison management to ensure our contract language regarding union representation and bullying were complied with.

The supervisor had attempted to exclude certain stewards from union-management meetings and had also emailed another supervisor to prevent her from cooperating with Local 1000. The boss also made a back-channel effort to overturn a fully approved reasonable accommodation granted to one of our members.

Our worksite stewards met with top prison management to document the misconduct and reinforce article 2.1, Union Representatives, which grants full access to our stewards, and article 5.11, Dignity Clause, which protects our members by establishing a workplace where supervisors and managers treat workers with a generally accepted standard of dignity and courtesy. 

Out-of-class grievance won through supporting documentation

A member working in the Staff Services Analyst classification at DHCS in Sacramento won 10 months of back pay and 10 months of experience credit after using careful documentation to prove they had been performing work at the AGPA level. Refer to contract article 14.2, Out-of-Classification Grievances which defines “out-of-class” as more than 50% of time spent over at least two consecutive weeks performing duties associated with a higher classification.

Denial of Merit Salary Adjustment reversed

After receiving an untimely, incomplete and unsigned notification denying a Merit Salary Adjustment, our member at DMV in Southern California has received a retroactive salary adjustment. What made the denial more frustrating for the member, who works as a Motor Vehicle Representative, was that her performance was well above department standards. Refer to contract article 11.7, Merit Salary Adjustments