Bargaining Unit 01 Recruitment & Retention Report
As outlined in Paragraph 5 of Article 5.7.1 in our MOU, we are pleased to share the finalized joint report drafted by the Bargaining Unit (BU) 01 Recruitment and Retention Committee. You can access the entire report here. This final report was drafted jointly with CalHR and a standing team of labor representatives from various departments that employ the chosen classifications.
Our members were the driving force that moved this process, and we could not have finished this report without their dedicated work and continued engagement – whether they submitted an application for a classification to be considered, acted as a subject matter expert (SME) for their classification, or supported our SMEs as the gave their presentations to the State. Our Union team was able to successfully facilitate the creation of this report as a result of our members’ work.
This report is a resource that our Union plans to use to raise our leverage at the bargaining table as we tackle the issues important to BU 01. While there is no guaranteed outcome at the table based on any of the information in the report, the included data and the discussions we had with the State provide valuable background about ongoing recruitment and retention issues that are likely to be discussed that may not otherwise have been part of the conversation.
The State team has already shared this report with the Director of CalHR, and they will be utilizing this report as part of the overall information they consider when addressing employee compensation.
As with all of the work we do with our Union, members are the driving force in our success, and growing that membership is an integral part to continue to build member power.
If your classification was not one of the ten chosen for this report, we tentatively anticipate opening the next round of applications in early 2024. We encourage interested members to check the BU 01 web page regularly for additional information about this report and our upcoming bargaining with the State. If you have any questions about this report or the process overall, please direct them to [email protected]
We would like to thank the following members who contributed to this report.
SEIU Local 1000 Unit 1 Recruitment and Retention Committee:
Susan Rodriguez, Chair, Bargaining Unit 1
Mike Ramos, Vice Chair Bargaining Unit 1, District Sales Representative, CSL
Vincent Green, Alternate Vice Chair Bargaining Unit 1, Information Technology Specialist I, CalVet
Carolyn Alluis, Management Service Technician, DIR
Subject Matter Experts:
Karen DeVoll, Correctional Case Records Analyst, CDCR
Joyce Wheeler-Owens, Employment Program Representative, EDD
Dorrie Popp, Financial Institutions Examiner, DFPI
Natasha Kaupanger-Swacker, Hearing Reporter, DIR
Juralynne Mosley, Information Technology Specialist I, CPUC
Frank Askin, Information Technology Associate, CUIAB
Shuqian Guan, Senior Insurance Rate Analyst, CDI
Christian Reyes, Investigative Auditor, DOJ
Shannon Pries, State Historian II, DPR
Ahmad Tolbert, Tax Auditor, CDTFA
Kristin Carmody, Workers Compensation Compliance Officer, DIR