SEIU Local 1000 received a notice on February 9, 2022, that certain institutions have an overage (surplus) of Bargaining Unit 20 Registered Dental Assistants (RDAs).
SEIU Local 1000 received a notice on February 9, 2022, that certain institutions have an overage (surplus) of Bargaining Unit 20 Registered Dental Assistants (RDAs).
This is to provide official notice to the Service Employees International Union, Local 1000 (SEIU) that the California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS), Adult Correctional Dental Care, has identified an overage of Dental Assistant, CF classification at various Institutions. Beginning on or about March 15, 2022, CCHCS will be asking the Dental Assistant, CF to volunteer to relocate to another institution with an effective date of July 1, 2022. If employees do not volunteer, CCHCS may be required to involuntarily relocate staff.
The impacted facilities include SCC, CCC, CIW, CIM, and Mule Creek.
In order to avoid a potential layoff or relocation situation, CDCR is required to attempt mitigation steps. One of those steps is a Voluntary Transfer Program (VTP). Again, at this point, everything is completely voluntary for RDAs that want to relocate to other institutions.
This process will take place starting on March 15, 2022, and the transfers will take effect on July 1, 2022. We have already called for a Meet and Confer with CDCR-CCHCS and will meet on March 9th to discuss the process as well as negotiate over any related items such as relocation expenses, ATO to move and relocate, and post and bid. We will continue to send updates as we meet with CDCR-CCHCS and move through this process.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Bargaining Unit 20 Chair Melissa Vartanian at [email protected] or Matt Fisher, staff in the SEIU Local 1000 Contract Department at m[email protected]