While the State continues to disrespect us as we fight for a living wage, we’re escalating our actions in the worksites to make our demand as visible as possible.
We’ve launched the Hot Union Summer, a series of informational pickets, with a goal of creating 1,000 pickets by August 14. You’re encouraged to join a picket or to create one for your worksite.
Standing together and taking action to win a new contract is behavior protected by provisions in our contract and by California State Law. Participating in informational pickets, on your own time (before or after work, during lunch, or a break), is legal.
Here’s an outline of the Union activity you have a right to participate in:
Pickets and demonstrations
Your right to picket or demonstrate in support of the Union during non-work time (Dills Act)
Express your union beliefs
Your right to support the Union and to express pro-Union opinions to other employees and to management (Government Code section 3512 et seq. – “Dills Act”)
Wear your Union colors
Your right to wear buttons and stickers and to wear Union clothing (Dills Act)
Display Union materials
Your right to post and display Union materials inside your workspace (Dills Act)
Distribute Union materials
Your right to distribute Union materials during non-work time (Contract Article 2.4)
Post Union materials
Your right to display Union materials on appropriate bulletin boards (Contract Article 2.4)
Attend Union meetings
Your right to attend Union meetings on non-work time (Contract Article 2.5 and Dills Act)
You have a right to take action in support of SEIU Local 1000! If you are ever prevented from exercising your right to participate in any way, contact your Local 1000 job steward or the Member Resource Center (MRC) at 866.471.SEIU (7348).
Know Your Rights: Use the Contract Search Tool
Our contract contains hundreds of articles that govern our wages, benefits, and working conditions. You can learn more about those rights in an easy-to-use, mobile-friendly search tool, available at contract.seiu1000.org