TV Specialist Meet and Confer
Update as of January 12, 2021


The Television Specialist Classification Review team met with the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) and labor representatives from CDCR, DWR, and CalPERs to begin discussing the Television Specialist classification per MOU provision 14.10.1.

During this initial meeting, the TV Specialist team presented a detailed and impactful presentation demonstrating many of the tasks and functions TV Specialists perform. This presentation ranged from samples of the work some of you submitted to providing a wide-array of TV Specialist skills and work products. It was clear at the conclusion of the presentation that the State team was impressed and were educated on how this classification has evolved since the last class specification changes 30 years ago.

Some of the major details from the meeting also include:

  • The State team admittedly was not fully aware of all the knowledge, skills, and abilities of a TV Specialist.
  • Due to the widespread nature of TV Specialist work, the classification review process will involve most state departments.
  • The TV Specialist team emphasized the differing technical skills utilized throughout each department, illustrating how no TV Specialist work is the same across the state.
  • The team also discussed the need for not only updating the class specifications but also discussed the similarities to IT classifications and the need for upward mobility, among other topics.
  • Moving forward, the TV Specialist team has entered a research phase to fully flesh out all aspects of the work the classification engages in.

The research phase includes compiling job duty statements from as many TV Specialists in different departments as possible, and your help here is crucial in compiling data for ongoing discussions to improve the classification. Please submit your duty statements and any relevant questions or comments you may have to the Unit 1 email box at

Thank You!