Our Unit 11 bargaining team met with state negotiators for the first time today, representing the interests of the nearly 2,800 Engineering and Scientific Technicians we represent.

The team shared their diverse backgrounds and deep job experience with the state’s negotiators, illustrating the work they do for Californians and their vision of a California for All.

Our Unit 11 bargaining team met with state negotiators for the first time today, representing the interests of the nearly 2,800 Engineering and Scientific Technicians we represent.

The team shared their diverse backgrounds and deep job experience with the state’s negotiators, illustrating the work they do for Californians and their vision of a California for All.

In today’s session, nearly a dozen Unit 11-represented members made presentations about their job classifications, putting a face on the challenges they encounter in their technically-demanding and often dangerous work, and the impact they feel from wages that are well below market rates for similar positions.

Our Unit 11 bargaining team presented one proposal to the state, which contained:

  • A special salary adjustment for four Laboratory Assistant classifications in Unit 11.
  • Special salary adjustments for five Fish and Wildlife classifications.
  • A special salary adjustment for the Plant Quarantine Inspector classification.

The Unit 11 bargaining team returns to the table next week (July 15) and will continue to address unit-specific issues that were brought forth during the bargaining town halls and from the bargaining surveys. Those issues include additional Special Salary Adjustments for other Unit 11 classifications.

 “Our path to winning must include a strong presence in the worksite to show the state we’re making our demand,” said Brad Willis, Unit 11 Bargaining Chair.

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