There’s good news today in the form of two significant wins at the Unit 20 bargaining table. We reached tentative agreement with the state on two proposals that improve working conditions and expanded job and income opportunities for our represented employees.
Our bargaining team, representing the Medical and Social Services Specialists of Unit 20, reports a positive change in the state’s attitude at the table—a willingness to make progress and to bring the work of the Unit 20 table to fruition.
We made a big step in the fair distribution of overtime today: the state tentatively agreed to our proposal to form a Task Force to create a process for equitable treatment of our members at the Fremont Special Schools. Our Riverside facility has a well-working program, one we hope to replicate in Fremont.
We won stronger language in contract section 20.11.20, which governs the post and bid procedure for CNA positions at CalVet facilities. We increased the number of positions filled by employees through successful bids from 65% to 70%.
In other Unit 20 business today, a number of proposals and counterproposals were exchanged between our team and the state. We will continue our work to advance our members and to resolve outstanding proposals, including those affecting our pay and benefits.
As you know, we have not yet reached an overall tentative agreement on a new contract with the state. Remember, our rights are still protected under the terms of our previous contract, which expired on June 30.
Unit-specific bargaining, along with negotiations at the master table, are being scheduled on a day-to-day basis. When there’s activity at the table, we’ll email and post the results, often on the same day. Stay informed with all the bargaining news at our Contract Action Central web page.