At today’s Master Table bargaining session, the State’s negotiators showed signs of life and offered some responses to Local 1000 proposals, including some we presented nearly a month ago. Four of our economic proposals were rejected.
Our demands for a 30% pay raise, 100% paid health care premiums, and Special Salary Adjustments remain unanswered.
“The State’s rejections today underscore the need to escalate our actions and to project our power,” said Irene Green, Vice President for Bargaining. “Starting with our rally at the State Capitol tomorrow, and beyond, we need to increase our visibility and raise our voices to demonstrate that Respect Us! Protect Us! Pay Us! is more than a slogan; it’s a call for the State to act.”
Here are the economic proposals the State rejected today:
The State flatly rejected our 11.XXXXX Overtime Check proposal saying they are not interested in adding a penalty payment of interest when departments fail to timely pay overtime checks to our members.
The State flatly rejected our 11.XXX Longevity Pay proposal says they are not interested in a “blanket longevity payment” across all SEIU-represented employees.
The State flatly rejected 11.XXXX – $30/hr. Minimum Wage, saying they are not interested in adding this language to the contract at this time and that other economic proposals may impact this proposal.
The State rejected our proposal on 21.4 – Call Centers and wants to maintain the current contract language. We proposed differential pay across all units and departments that meet the definition of a call center. The State says to deal with it in each unit, department by department.
Two Local 1000 members, acting as Subject Matter Experts, provided insight on two new proposals we made today:
Unit 1, CDTFA member David Aguinaldo, who works at CDTFA in Chicago, spoke on the skyrocketing costs of out-of-state health care. Our proposal (see below) calls for an increase in the payment available to offset costs when a PERS-sponsored plan isn’t available.
Katherine Stockton, a member of the Unit 1 bargaining team, presented a proposal (see below) that solidifies the State’s efforts in creating a culture of inclusion for workers with disabilities. Our goal is to use the power of our contract to ensure the State’s commitment to being an employer of choice and providing further solutions to the challenges faced by the disabled workers we represent.
Our bargaining team presented four proposals today centered around our health care benefits and reasonable accommodation; two presented stronger language, and two are new proposals.
- 9.2 Dental Benefit (Excludes Unit 17)
Reduces share of cost from 25% to 20%, eliminates the 24-month waiting period
- 9.4 Out-Of-State Supplemental Health Care Program
Raises annual payment for those unable to enroll in a CalPERS-sponsored HMO from $1200 to $2400
- 9.X – Reasonable Accommodation
New language creates a culture of inclusion for disabled employees, and promotes reasonable accommodation, and sensitivity training.
- 9.XX – In-State Supplemental Health Care Program
Provides employees in California that cannot enroll in a CalPERS-sponsored HMO a $2400 annual payment
We reached tentative agreement with the State on two proposals that impact our travel to and from work.
- 12.28 – Pre-Tax Commuting Expense
- 12.29 – Bike or Walk To Work Program
You can read the details of these and all current contract articles at
Our next Master Table session is scheduled for June 14. To read about what happened in all our bargaining sessions to date, please visit the Contract Action Center page at
There’s real truth to the Local 1000 slogan, Stronger Together. We only win a great contract with a strong Local 1000 membership. So, if you’re not already a member, we encourage you to join us today.
And be sure to save your spot for the upcoming June 8 March to the Governor’s Mansion here.