A strong union is one where all voices are heard and represented, in hundreds of worksites across the entire state. SEIU Local 1000’s ability to respond to our member’s representational and organizing needs depends on the hard work of our members, job stewards, and our Union Resource Center (URC).
2021 was an important year for the Union Resource Center, as the department improved our capacity to expand quality representation and increase efficiency by integrating our field team into a representational, workplace-focused organizing model.
A strong union is one where all voices are heard and represented, in hundreds of worksites across the entire state. SEIU Local 1000’s ability to respond to our member’s representational and organizing needs depends on the hard work of our members, job stewards, and our Union Resource Center (URC).
2021 was an important year for the Union Resource Center, as the department improved our capacity to expand quality representation and increase efficiency by integrating our field team into a representational, workplace-focused organizing model.
Our URC reps and organizers are now working in collaboration with the MRC and other departments, to quickly and effectively respond to representational matters, develop our staff and leadership, deepen member engagement and support, and crucially, grow our membership.
With more Union Representatives focused on representation, we can dig deeper into addressing issues around classifications, working conditions, and other matters that are important to the Union and all represented employees. All Union Representatives continue to be trained and mentored to enforce the contract for all represented employees and represent members and the Union through appeals with the SPB, Cal HR, and PERB. New trainings are being developed for 2022 to ensure all URC reps and organizers become more familiar with their assigned DLCs to lay a solid foundation for our upcoming bargaining campaign and any other future campaigns, while working closely with member leaders and job stewards on representation and in strengthening our membership.
Here are some recent examples of the victories we’ve achieved for our members using our new representational model:
WIN: Helping represented employees continue or expand teleworking
Two members wanted to be able to telework; one wanted to telework three days per week and the other wanted to continue teleworking full-time. We helped each member draft an official request to management invoking Article 19.8 – Flexible Scheduling, and in each case, the members requests were approved. There are currently multiple other members from DHCS and CDPH with similar requests.
WIN: Fighting for Healthy and Safe Conditions – Represented
An employee at the Employment Development Department (EDD) in El Centro called SEIU Local 1000 on Monday November 1, 2021, to inform us that EDD El Centro did not have plexiglass/plastic barriers between staff servicing the public at the desks in the lobby and the public. The URC representative notified EDD Labor Relations Officer in Sacramento of this problem, and by Friday November 5, 2021, barriers were installed at the worksite.
Staff Development Continues
Even though the current working conditions surrounding COVID are fast-moving and challenging, URC staff are excited to learn new tools and are engaging in their work with more enthusiasm and creativity. We are making sure that the URC staff continue to be provided opportunities and support to do the work of SEIU Local 1000.