Do you want a better contract? Join a Regional Organizing Committee and become a ROCstar!
Winning a great contract happens with a strong Union and an active membership. Up and down the state, Regional Organizing Committees are already in action to sustain a strong and consistent presence in the workplace to support our bargaining team.
Do you want a better contract? Join a Regional Organizing Committee and become a ROCstar!
Winning a great contract happens with a strong Union and an active membership. Up and down the state, Regional Organizing Committees are already in action to sustain a strong and consistent presence in the workplace to support our bargaining team.
We’re using ROC team members to communicate to their coworkers, listen to their concerns, and answer their questions. They’re explaining our Union’s priorities and challenging each of their coworkers to get involved and active!
We are truly Stronger Together, and when we work together, we can win the best possible contract.
We are building ROC teams across the state. Join us! Click here to learn more about Regional Committees here and sign up today!