The Local 1000 Board of Directors held its final meeting of 2023 in Sacramento on Dec. 9, 10, and on Monday, Dec. 11.
Your local 1000 Board of Directors are member-elected leaders, comprised presidents representing more than 50 District Labor Councils, ten bargaining unit chairs, and our statewide officers.
This three-day meeting was heavily focused on a review of the past year’s spending (2023) and approval of the budget for the upcoming year (2024).
The Local 1000 Board of Directors held its final meeting of 2023 in Sacramento on Dec. 9, 10, and on Monday, Dec. 11.
Your local 1000 Board of Directors are member-elected leaders, comprised presidents representing more than 50 District Labor Councils, ten bargaining unit chairs, and our statewide officers.
This three-day meeting was heavily focused on a review of the past year’s spending (2023) and approval of the budget for the upcoming year (2024).
Your Board of Directors was diligent in their review, taking their fiduciary responsibility seriously. Local 1000 will end the 2023 fiscal year substantially under budget. Most of the savings we accrued center around reduced costs in bargaining our contract.
The 2024 Local 1000 budget presented is balanced between income and expense. For the first time in many years, there is no deficit spending. After many questions, thorough discussion, and responsible debate, the Board approved the 2024 budget.
Your Board also completed its entire business agenda, addressing ten motions and executive session actions.
Agenda Item 1
Subject: Amend Policy File to remove all reference to “Chief” as in Chief Stewards
(Passed by the Board)
Agenda Item 2
Subject: Add two members to the Environmental Committee
Agenda Item 3
Subject: To create a Policy from the Board to have Local 1000 aggressively address workplace violence, bullying and harassment committed by the State of California against our members.
Agenda Item 4
Subject: To form a special committee for the purpose of Local 1000 to holistically deal with violence, bullying and harassment in state service against state employees, thereby improving working conditions for our represented employees.
(Items 3 and 4 were combined as a single motion, and passed)
Agenda Item 5
Subject: Chief Stewards Quarterly Meetings
(This motion was postponed indefinitely, and may be reintroduced in the future)
Agenda Item 6
Subject: Automated LAPS Application Project
(This motion was deferred, needed re-writing, may be reintroduced in the future)
Agenda Item 7
Subject: Statewide Chief Stewards Chair Appointment
Agenda Item 8
Subject: Addition of Conservative Member Engagement Committee
(Postponed indefinitely, needed additional language work, may be reintroduced)
Agenda Item 9
Subject: Resolution Calling for a Ceasefire in Israel and Palestine
Agenda Item 10
Subject: DLC 727 Election to end Trusteeship
In Executive Session, the Board took up the following:
- COPE Political Issues and Endorsements
- DLC Trusteeships, 725,727,772 and 793
- One HR-1 personnel issue.
Your Board also had the opportunity to tour our one-story building—currently under renovation— after the interior demolition had been completed. In addition, the board received a progress report, reviewed the upcoming steps and approved the future use o the facility.
Through collaboration and thoughtful debate, the member-elected leaders on our Board of Directors are doing the work for Local 1000 and our members.