Our Union team met with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) again on Thursday, October 20, 2022, regarding their planned implementation of a new electronic timekeeping system. This meeting was held in response to a cease and desist that our Union had filed against the Department in late September due to a lack of proper notice to our Union about the system.
Our Union team met with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) again on Thursday, October 20, 2022, regarding their planned implementation of a new electronic timekeeping system. This meeting was held in response to a cease and desist that our Union had filed against the Department in late September due to a lack of proper notice to our Union about the system.
While implementation of this issue has been pushed from the originally proposed date in early October to November 1st, the Department was still unable to provide certain concrete information about the impact of this process in today’s conversation. They confirmed that the Sacramento area worksites where they intend to start this rollout were chosen due to their close proximity to headquarters to make assessments of the process easier. They also confirmed that their intention is for this system to streamline not only the payroll process but also processes related to time off requests, scheduling, and sick leave use. They were not able to verify how this would be streamlined other than to note that it would now be a fully electronic process.
The Department noted that they are still determining the full impact on employees including employees working in Personnel and would have a better sense as this first phase is implemented. Our Team again brought up concerns as to how the information collected by Dayforce could be used to discipline employees as information that managers previously had to request is now accessible in real time. Though the Department verified this information would never be the sole source of discipline, our Team was very concerned that information gathered from the Dayforce system was being considered at all when only a few worksites will be utilizing it initially, and it appears that these employees would then be monitored more closely.
The Department continued to refer to this process as a “pilot” program, however they also noted they are committed not just to using an electronic timekeeping system but specifically to this system. The Department said that “Dayforce is here to stay.” Our Team noted that because the Department will be using Dayforce regardless of the outcome of their initial tests of the system that this isn’t a pilot program, and they should already understand the impact on employees prior to implementation, and they don’t appear to fully understand that impact.
Our Team is still owed some information related to this process. We will be receiving a list of impacted employees and will be getting information as to what training supervisors and managers receive. This way we can support our represented employees through later phases as we identify when statements made by their supervisors contradict the Department’s training.
Our Union is continuing to explore additional ways to escalate our response and push back on the Department’s implementation of this system. As we monitor this situation, we are asking for your help in keeping the Department accountable. If your supervisor shares information or places expectations on you related to this system that contradict the information you have received, please let your Bargaining Unit Chair, DLC President or URC rep know so that we can lift it up to the Department. We also encourage you to send your ongoing concerns to [email protected] or [email protected]
Additional updates will be provided as we receive more information from the Department.