In September, we won a new, three-year contract that puts more money in our pocket, improves our working conditions, and preserves our benefits.

Many of our members are asking how the contract affects them, when do the raises, the salary adjustments, the uniform allowances kick in? That information is available online, now.

We negotiated a retroactive pay raise for all employees, won retroactive special salary adjustments (SSAs) for almost 40% of our job classifications, maintained the health care stipend with no expiration date, reduced the pre-retirement (OPEB) funding, secured a health facility retention payment, and added, changed, or preserved a number of skill-based differentials, allowances, and other reimbursements that factor into our state income. Our general salary increase, our wage equity increase, and our unit-based SSAs are all retroactive to July 1, 2023.

Those are just the economic highlights. We won new rights that govern your workplace, but to enjoy the advances we made, and to make sure that your paycheck reflects the correct amount, it’s incumbent on you to educate yourself about what’s in the contract.

We can’t work together to protect your rights unless you’re informed. Here are two places you can go to learn more about our new contract:

Where can I read the new contract? If you’d like to read the highlights of the significant advances we won, click here. If you’d like to read the entire contract, click here.

Implementation and enforcement of our new contract is a priority, and we start with comprehensive training of the hundreds of Local 1000 Job Stewards who are on the front line, making our contract rights a reality for the 96,000 members we represent.

We’re working to ensure that all Job Stewards have a thorough understanding of the new language in the contract and empowering them with the knowledge and skills to actively participate in enforcing the contract and advocating for our members. 22 different trainings have been scheduled.

This is a contract we won together. Let’s work together to enjoy the rights we fought for. I encourage you to inform yourself!


William (Bill) Hall
Board Chair, SEIU Local 1000
[email protected]