Our Union is moving forward on many fronts, and we’re making regular connection with our represented employees Wednesday nights on “Straight Talk” – an opportunity for you to learn the news of Local 1000 and get answers to your questions about the issues most important to you.

Each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., Board Chair Bill Hall—joined by guests that include statewide leaders and subject matter experts—talks with you.

Our Union is moving forward on many fronts, and we’re making regular connection with our represented employees Wednesday nights on “Straight Talk” – an opportunity for you to learn the news of Local 1000 and get answers to your questions about the issues most important to you.

Each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., Board Chair Bill Hall—joined by guests that include statewide leaders and subject matter experts—talks with you.

We’re talking about bargaining a new contract, membership growth, telework, and more. On June 1, we heard about how politics matter to state workers in a discussion with Tia Orr, Director of Government Affairs at SEIU California. Hundreds of our represented state workers joined the call, and many more watched the archived version on Facebook and on www.seiu1000.org

Join us on the Zoom call every Wednesday – no pre-registration necessary

If you’d like to participate, you can log in using the following links:

What:     Straight Talk
When:    Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Time:     6:30 p.m. Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 862 1650 3090

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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 862 1650 3090

Watch the “Straight Talk” call live … or anytime

The conversation can also be seen live on SEIU’s Facebook Page and will be posted and archived the following day on the www.seiu1000.org website.