Our Unit 11 team – representing Engineering & Scientific Technicians- on Saturday discussed proposals addressing several of the priorities of Unit 11 members and ended the day with a big win for Unit 11 Laboratory Assistants.

Our Unit 11 team – representing Engineering & Scientific Technicians- on Saturday discussed proposals addressing several of the priorities of Unit 11 members and ended the day with a big win for Unit 11 Laboratory Assistants.

Last month, we encouraged the state to look into the classification issues regarding Lab Assistants who perform phlebotomy work in CDCR, DSH and DDS and closely inspect the inequity in pay versus other classifications who perform the same work. During these conversations, members came in and gave an in-depth presentation to CalHR and the agencies making it clear that our members work alongside privately contracted employees who perform the same functions and cost the state more money than state workers. 

Today, the state signed a tentative agreement ensuring that, within six months of ratification, the state will conduct a classification review for the classifications in the Laboratory Assistant and Laboratory Assistant (Correctional Facility) Series. The purpose of this classification review is to determine if the current class specifications adequately describe all facets of the work and establish appropriate qualifications for the classifications.

Our team has also been negotiating diligently with the state to enforce our language and ensure the Government Code is being followed properly. Also, we continue to discuss the other classification and pay equity proposals that remain on the table.

We are also encouraging all of our members to RSVP for the June 5 “I’m All In!” rally at the Capitol – an action that will tell everyone that we are all in for Local 1000, all in for a fair contract and all in for quality public services for Californians.

Master Table bargaining resumes Sunday.
In Solidarity,
George Cornell Jr.
Unit 11 Bargaining Vice Chair