Our Unit 11 bargaining team – representing Engineering & Scientific workers – signed tentative agreements Wednesday on numerous existing contract provisions that represent gains from previous contracts.

Our Unit 11 team signed a tentative agreement Wednesday night to expand an existing statewide Joint Labor Management Committee (JMLC) to include issues in health and safety, and classifications as well as architectural and engineering concerns.  The agreement also adds the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Food and Agricultural.  

Our Unit 11 bargaining team – representing Engineering & Scientific workers – signed tentative agreements Wednesday on numerous existing contract provisions that represent gains from previous contracts.

Our Unit 11 team signed a tentative agreement Wednesday night to expand an existing statewide Joint Labor Management Committee (JMLC) to include issues in health and safety, and classifications as well as architectural and engineering concerns.  The agreement also adds the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Food and Agricultural.  

Our team discussed rental rates in state housing for Department of Fish and Game employees. A majority of our Unit 11 members who live in state housing are required to live there as a condition of employment.

Unit 11 also discussed our proposal to change the promotional calculation so that certain classifications are promoted without a loss of income. Some Unit 11 classifications actually experience a pay cut when they promote. 

Our proposal allows employees who are a Transportation Engineering Technician or a Water Resources Technician 2 to receive higher pay once they promote to Materials & Research Engineering Associate or Water Resources Engineering Associate.  

We discussed the Caltrans practice of replacing Unit 11 in the Permits Department with employees with lesser qualifications. 

We are also encouraging all of our members to RSVP for the June 5 “I’m All In!” rally at the Capitol – an action that will tell everyone that we are all in for Local 1000, all in for a fair contract and all in for quality public services for Californians.

Click here to RSVP for the rally >>

Master Table bargaining has also resumed. To see Master Table coverage, go to www.seiu1000.org.