Unit 11 Signs 10 Tentative Agreements; Closes Unit Table on all Non-Economic Issues
On Friday, August 16, Local 1000’s Unit 11 bargaining team signed 10 roll-over provisions from the current contract that protected past victories on a number of differentials. These include:
Unit 11 Signs 10 Tentative Agreements; Closes Unit Table on all Non-Economic Issues
On Friday, August 16, Local 1000’s Unit 11 bargaining team signed 10 roll-over provisions from the current contract that protected past victories on a number of differentials. These include:
- Out-of-State Pay Differential
- Long-term Differential
- DNA Pay Differential
- Climbing Pay Differential
- Pile Load Test Differential
- Special Duty Differential
- Stand by Duty Differential
Protection of these Unit 11 differentials was a priority for the bargaining team because they represent Local 1000’s commitment to ensuring that the state recognize the value of the special skills that Unit 11 workers bring to their job every day. The team also signed a “roll over” provision on Special Certification Requirements.
“I’m glad we were able to end the unit table by signing off on set differentials that acknowledge and value the unique skills and expertise our people bring to the table,” explained Brad Willis, Unit 11 bargaining chair.
The remainder of Unit 11 issues will be taken up at the master table in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, members are encouraged to stay engaged as we continue the fight for a new deal.