Unit 14 went to the bargaining table with the state today to continue our negotiations on upward mobility and protecting bargaining unit work for our members.

Today, we continued to press for resolutions with the Printer Trainee classification, the only classification in Unit 14 that doesn’t have a path to promotion.

With upward mobility a priority for all Unit 14 employees, our Unit 14 team continues discussions and information requests to ensure that our members are afforded every opportunity to receive adequate training and development assignments from the state.

Unit 14 went to the bargaining table with the state today to continue our negotiations on upward mobility and protecting bargaining unit work for our members.

Today, we continued to press for resolutions with the Printer Trainee classification, the only classification in Unit 14 that doesn’t have a path to promotion.

With upward mobility a priority for all Unit 14 employees, our Unit 14 team continues discussions and information requests to ensure that our members are afforded every opportunity to receive adequate training and development assignments from the state.

We gave the state proposals that would clean up obsolete language in our contract.

We also had a robust discussion with the state about the need to keep printing work within Unit 14, citing, in one example, work performed in printing legislative bills that’s not done by Unit 14 members. We reinforced the importance of the work that we do, the value of our members’ experience and skills and our resolve to be the providers of these services to the state.

Unit 14 returns to the table on May 10 to continue its work on member priorities, including upward mobility and compensation.

Support your bargaining team! A great contract happens when we show the state that our members are “all in.” Purple up, stand up, and send your photos to [email protected]


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