The Unit 21 bargaining team returned to the table today – for the second time this week – to focus on issues of importance to the Educational Consultants and Librarians represented by Local 1000.
Unit 21 presented five proposals to state representatives:

  • Formation of a Joint Labor Management Committee (JLMC) on disabilities.
  • Formation of a JLMC on professional assessment and a change of culture.
  • Continuation of a JLMC on community colleges.
  • Continuation of a JLMC for archivists.
  • Continuation of a JLMC for bus driver trainers.

Our bargaining team also discussed the impact and importance of our master table proposals and how they would specifically impact Unit 21 employees: anti-bullying measures, changes in the business and travel article, and bilingual pay. The state’s bargaining team is composed of different members at different tables, and this effort is designed to communicate to the state as broadly as possible our members’ key priorities.

The Unit 21 bargaining team returns to the table with the state in early May. Next week, (April 22-26) Local 1000 will return to bargaining at the master table. Stay informed throughout the bargaining process – there are several ways for you to keep up-to-date on the latest news and information:

Our Bargaining Central web page
Timely email blasts as developments occur
Regular reports from the Channel 1000 news
Call our toll-free bargaining hotline – 1-855-814-1205
Text ‘1000’ to 787753 to receive immediate text updates straight from your bargaining team