We’ve listened carefully to the contract priorities of our Unit 21 members—gathered at town halls and through bargaining surveys—and we’re responding with proposals that reinforce our rights and underscore the State’s obligation as an employer.
While we’re pushing hard to advance those priorities, there’s been no real response from the State on proposals that have been on the table for weeks. “I haven’t been given the authority,” was the response from the State’s lead negotiator when pressed for an explanation.
Today, Unit 21 presented five contract sections as “rollover” language that our members identified as top priorities.
“These sections define the professional status of our members and ensure our ability to perform at our best,” said bargaining team member Susie Watt. “These protections are of vital importance to every Unit 21 employee.”
Those key “rollover” sections are:
- 19.19.21 Work Week Group E – Policy (FLSA-Exempt) (Unit 21)
- 19.19.21(a) Guidelines for Applying Work Week Group E Policy (Unit 21)
- 21.16.21 Professional Responsibility (Unit 21)
These three sections are made more important because Unit 21 employees are more likely to work well over 40 hours a week. A number of grievances have been filed over violation of rights conferred in these three articles, yet the State isn’t seeing that simple respect for the contract by the State and its managers is a clear path to improving our work environment.
Unit 21 proposed stronger and more precise language in the following section:
- 10.13.21 Access to Work Areas 24 Hours (Unit 21)
Our goal is to strengthen language that governs our ability to align office access and our personal work schedules. “Few of our employees have a conventional schedule, and expanded access ensures the quality and timeliness of our work product,” said Unit 21 Chair Bobby Roy.
Today, we also proposed to roll over the following sections:
- 8.21.21 10-12 Leave (Unit 21)
- 8.31.21 Personal Leave Program 1992 and 2003 (Unit 21)
You can read the details of these and all current contract articles at contract.seiu1000.org
No bargaining is scheduled for next Monday (Memorial Day). Unit 21 returns to the negotiating table in two weeks, on Monday, June 5. To see updates on other bargaining unit contract sessions, click here for our Contract Action Center page at www.seiu1000.org.
If you’re not already an SEIU Local 1000 member, join us today.
And be sure to save your spot for the upcoming June 8 March to the Governor’s mansion here.