Your Unit 21 bargaining team worked through the weekend to bring home a strong contract for the Educational Consultants and Librarians we represent. We’re reporting some progress today, along with aggressive efforts to preserve our professional status.

We reached agreement with the State on contract section 8.15.21 Personal Leave – Voluntary as rollover language from previous contract campaigns which continues the solid protections we have to maintain a work/life balance.

We still have a number of outstanding proposals at the table. Among the most important are proposals that govern the very core of our work: the ability, as professionals, to control the “when,” the ”where,” and the “how” of what we do.

The State is trying to strip us of this fundamental right to control our schedules and that affects the quality of our work and the autonomy already granted in the contract. Section 19.19.21 defines our FSLA-exempt status, and 19.91.21(a) has guidelines for the implementation of 19.19.21. The State proposes to delete the guidelines and take away previously hard-earned rights. They have also proposed revising 21.16.21, stripping us of our use of our professional judgment in conducting our work.

“This cannot stand, and we need to keep up the fight to the very end,” said Bobby Roy, Unit 21 bargaining chair. “We need each of our represented employees to reach out to CalHR and make the demand for no takeaways.”

Right now, you can call, email, or Tweet CalHR and make that demand. Use this link to get the contact information, and Tell CalHR to Respect Us, Protect Us, and Pay Us

Then, stand up for state workers on Thursday, June 29 at 10:00 a.m. by joining a silent protest march at the Capitol. You can sign up here.

Want a more detailed Unit 21 bargaining update? Join us on a Zoom call Tuesday, June 27. Use the link below to sign on. **Please note: no registration is necessary.

With just a few days remaining before our contract expires, Unit 21 is on standby to meet once again with the State to resolve outstanding issues. When we meet, you’ll read it here first!

To see updates on other bargaining unit contract sessions, please visit the Contract Action Center page at

Winning a good contract starts with you. Don’t just belong to the Union, participate.  Sign up for our Silent Protest March in Sacramento on June 29.

There’s real truth to the Local 1000 slogan, Stronger Together. We only win a great contract with a strong Local 1000 membership. So, if you’re not already a member, we encourage you to join us today.

And be sure to save your spot for the upcoming June 29 Silent Protest March at the Capitol in Sacramento here.