We’re reporting a big win for our members tonight: a reduction of pre-retirement (OPEB) contribution to 3%, a half-point drop than was called for in our previous contract. The agreement breaks the logjam of unanswered proposals waiting for response.
The agreement came at the end of a nine-hour bargaining session. Our master table bargaining team also received two new offers – one on our general salary increase; the other, a special salary adjustment for our lowest-paid classifications.
The state’s new proposal: an 8% pay increase, paid 3% upon ratification, 2.5% in 2024, and another 2.5% in 2025.
“While this offer does not meet our goals, it fuels our optimism that we can work together to achieve an increase that respects us and the work we do,” said Irene Green, our Vice President for Bargaining. “We’re seeing the effects of our pressure at the table and the benefits of the collective action of members across the state.”
In our last contract, we won a minimum-salary guarantee of $15/hour for close to 170 of the lowest-paid classifications. Today’s offer from the State is a special salary adjustment that ensures those working in those jobs stay ahead of the prevailing minimum wage.
There was more progress today: We reached tentative agreement with the State on the following contract sections:
- 9.1 – Health Benefits (Excludes Units 3 and 17)
- 9.3 – Vision Benefit (Excludes Unit 17)
- 19.11 – Call Back Time
- 19.12 – Standby Time
We’ll be back at the master table this weekend, August 12 and 13. Unit-specific bargaining sessions are being scheduled on a day-to-day basis. When there’s activity at the table, we’ll email and post the results, often on the same day. Click here to read all the recaps of bargaining activity.
It’s important that we all step up to support the efforts of our bargaining team. Across the state, we’re escalating our actions to make our demand to be respected, protected, and paid more visible – and more impactful.
On Wednesday, August 16, Local 1000 members are taking emergency action to demand living wages.
It’s unacceptable that state employee wages are so low that we can’t afford to live in California.
We provide the essential services that keep our state running. We are not backing down until we win the livable wages our families need.
Time is running out. The State of California must act now to pay its essential state workers for the important work we do. Join union members and community allies to demand livable wages NOW.
When: Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Time: 12:00 Noon – 2:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided.
Where: Capitol Annex Swing Space, 1021 O St, Sacramento, CA 95814
Can’t join us in Sacramento? Check here for other pickets and actions organized by members across California.