The economic well-being of state employees we represent was the focus of today’s master table bargaining session with the State.

We proposed a general salary increase of 18.75% over three years. 6.25% in July 2023, 6.25% in July 2024, and 6.25% in July 2025.

We also proposed a monthly health care stipend of $260—without a sunset clause—in our efforts to make medical and dental care more affordable and nearly 100% paid for those we represent.

“Today, we continued our fight for a living wage for state workers, many of whom struggle to make ends meet,” said Irene Green, Local 1000 Vice President for Bargaining. “Our demand for a reasonable pay increase reflects our workers’ commitment to serve California.”

Three Local 1000 members from across the state offered their stories in support of a living wage, representing the challenges facing thousands of the state workers we represent.

“Some of our employees live in sheds and in their cars. We have homeless teachers that are working at the school. Some of them live in homeless camps. The Fremont School for the Deaf has been recognized as the best school in the country and a model for the rest of the world. If we can’t have people afford to live here to work, then the whole school closes. 6% isn’t going to do it.”—Ty Kovacs, Unit 3, Fremont School for the Deaf.

“6% is shameful to offer to us. We work hard. We are skilled workers. A state job shouldn’t be this hard. I can’t get a second job as I am a single mom, and I can’t leave my daughter alone.  I used to be able to help my community. Now, I’m in those lines to get necessities like food and items to go to school. I don’t want my daughter to feel the stress of getting by. I want to enjoy life with her.”— Tammy Rodriguez, Unit 4, DMV, San Luis Obispo

“I thought having a state job would allow me to provide for my child. I’m embarrassed and ashamed I can’t provide a better stable environment for her. We can’t live on our own; it feels like a dorm. The State cannot keep and attract new workers. People leave, so those that stay here are really stressed out and have more work.”  — Maria Blaine, Unit 1, Public Utilities Commission, San Francisco

Other activities at the master table today included a number of counterproposals related to our leaves and paid holidays.

Unit-specific bargaining, along with negotiations at the master table, are being scheduled on a day-to-day basis. When there’s activity at the table, we’ll email and post the results, often on the same day. Click here to read all the recaps of bargaining activity.

We are fighting for the best contract we can get, but we need your help. This is not a short-term battle, and it will not end with this contract. We need to stick together, and we need to keep fighting because when we fight, we win. We will go on fighting until working people are respected, protected, and paid.

What actions can I take to win a good contract?

As the bargaining team works to achieve meaningful progress at the table, it’s important that we keep our focus on Union solidarity and strength building. In order for our demands to be heard, SEIU Local 1000-represented employees need to stand together. So, we encourage you to sign up for our next action on July 25, 26, and 27 when we picket CalHR in Sacramento. Click here to register.