The state responded with a counteroffer with a minimal difference, moving from 6% to 7%. We knew this wasn’t going to be easy but nothing worth fighting for comes easy. And so the fight continues!

Our informational picket lines are growing throughout the state. More and more members are stepping up and organizing pickets, or other actions, outside their worksites to make sure the state knows we haven’t given up.

Our goal is to organize 1,000 pickets by Local 1000 members across the state from now-Aug.14th!! Below are the steps to make sure your worksite is included!

Organize a Hot Union Summer Worksite Picket

Timeline and Goal: 1,000 Picket Lines from Now- Aug. 18th

Step 1. Fill out the Online Form HERE. All details must be included.

Step 2. Promote your picket. Share on Social Media, Email/Text Coworkers. 
            An Editable Flier is coming soon!    

Step 3. Prepare your signs. Sign-making parties are highly encouraged.

Step 4. Follow the Best Practices for SEIU Local 1000 Union Actions.

****Pickets must be done on your own personal time AND please make sure participants stay on public property, ie: sidewalks.

Example Picket Sign Messages:

  • 2% Won’t Pay My Rent
  • Shame on CalHR
  • Essential Work, Disposable Wages
  • State Workers can’t afford to live in CA

Here is a Chant Sheet of chants to use on your picket line!

Best Practices for SEIU Local 1000 Union Actions

To make it easy for members, we have created a Member Action Toolkit that includes this information and more.




Hot Union Summer PicketsAction Now

Location: Mayhew Overpass (Parking at 9342 Tech Center Dr.)
Time: 8/17 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Location: Arlington Park, 505 Foxboro Pkwy. 
Date&Time: 8/22 between 2:30pm – 4:00pm

Location: Ave 24 & Road 22, 
Date?Time: 8/23 & 8/30 between 5:00am – 9:00am

Bargaining Unit Updates2023


— Master Table Updates —

Highlights From Master Table Bargaining. Wins from the master table: Pay raises, Hundreds of Special Salary Adjustments, Improved Health and Retirement Costs.