Every week in Union Update, we’ll be posting news and feature articles, books, podcasts and more, submitted by your fellow workers, focused on issues that affect ALL of us. We hope you find the following content informative and insightful.

Union Popularity at a 57-year high

U.S. workers see unions as critical to fixing our nation’s broken workplace. Axios.com reports on a recent poll reiterating that Americans believe in #UnionsforAll. Join us at @SEIU1000!

Every week in Union Update, we’ll be posting news and feature articles, books, podcasts and more, submitted by your fellow workers, focused on issues that affect ALL of us. We hope you find the following content informative and insightful.

Union Popularity at a 57-year high

U.S. workers see unions as critical to fixing our nation’s broken workplace. Axios.com reports on a recent poll reiterating that Americans believe in #UnionsforAll. Join us at @SEIU1000!


Many state agencies understaffed as the shortage of public workers continues 

With more than 11 million job openings and only 6 million unemployed workers, employers have struggled for more than a year to hire enough people to fill their ranks. The Washington Post talks about how hiring problems lead to more hiring problems.

@SEIU1000 fights for our rights. Join us! 


And if you have something you’d like to recommend, please send it to us at [email protected]